Tuesday, 16 June 2015

New Basius 2 mould

Basius 2 from wargamesbakery shipped this month so I have been having a go.

Tricky to start with but with a drybrush & a couple of washes they look ok.

The moss & grass is next then try some miniatures in them I suppose.

Privateer Press Pirate Gorilla

Still working on it..

Warmachine Thralls

Some scrapthralls & mechanithralls were going cheap in Travelling Man...

Still need to matt down the finish & highlight.

Rorschach from Knight Models

New Basius 2 mould this month so rebased Rorschach

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Really old metal Space Marines

Base colours done.

Why did I choose black ?

Mantic ork model

Not sure what world this is from.

Came with Mantic Crazy Box.

Yes still need to wash/shade & highlight

Old metal Wolf Lord

Ready for washing & highlights

lava bases

Still drying...

These are for Chaos Space Marines from original Space Crusade.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

betrayal at house on the hill

They do look better at arms length. Not the best plastic or sculpts but hope they look better than they did out of the box.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

some scenery nearly done

A couple of pictures of Zombicide scenery - nearly done. 

Well almost done.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

world in 28mm

Trying to paint again in 28mm

Started with gollum & some cork bark

Sméagol on some rocks

Thanks Bill